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New posts in ad-hoc-distribution

What is the MIME type for .mobileprovision

Ad Hoc Distribution on XCode 4.2.1 - entitlements

iOS provisioning get-task-allow AND <Error>: profile not valid: 0xe8008012

Ad Hoc deployment fails when shipping Default.png images

OTA AdHoc distribution - how to build an IPA from command line?

What is an Ad Hoc certificate for iOS test app distribution?

Is there any way to view logs for AdHoc apps?

App store connect user but not developer?

ios ad-hoc-distribution

Phonegap Build ad-hoc OTA

iPhone - How can I detect a device is running an adhoc build of my app at runtime

Cannot connect to website for iPhone App

iOS app crashes using adhoc distribution profile

Adhoc distribution of Windows Phone 8 apps

How can I generate plist and ipa together for wireless distribution in new XCode 6

iOS Ad Hoc installation failing

iPhone - how to change the build configuration to distribution

Archive Build iOS App with XCode Open