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Ad Hoc Distribution on XCode 4.2.1 - entitlements

I am trying to build my app for ad hoc distribution (on TestFlight). I have read through all instructions and done lots of web searching. My problem is with how to create entitlements.plist on Xcode 4.2.1

All instructions say go to New File, then select entitlements under code signing. This option is not available in 4.2.1 and I cannot work out how else to do it. I can build the ipa but it won't install properly on anybody's device and I am pretty sure the entitlements issue is causing the problem.

This is my first app for distribution so I have no experience in doing this.

Any help would be appreciated.


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tessad Avatar asked Feb 22 '23 01:02


2 Answers

Go to the summary of your target, scroll down and activate entitlements.

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dasdom Avatar answered Mar 05 '23 01:03


You no longer need an entitlements file unless you are doing special stuff like iCloud - see https://developer.apple.com/legacy/library/technotes/tn2250/_index.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/DTS40009933-CH1-TNTAG31

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Frederick Cheung Avatar answered Mar 04 '23 23:03

Frederick Cheung