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App store connect user but not developer?

My client added me to appstoreconnect as an App Manager and Developer, but I still can't make builds in Xcode, and can't see my new developer team.

I don't think the client's developer account is an organization.

Is there any way I can archive builds in xcode on his behalf without getting his account credentials?

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xytor Avatar asked Jun 12 '18 16:06


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2 Answers

When You can see Your client's name in AppStore Connect (https://appstoreconnect.apple.com), but not on Apple Developer portal (https://developer.apple.com), this means that Your client created his account as an Individual.

To check his account type, client should go to his developer account, and then check the Entity type in the Membership section:

Apple Developer portal - Membership tab

After he confirms that his Entity type is set to Individual, he can request to change it in one of the following ways:

1 - Contact us - Individual to Organization Membership Update - recommended way

Go to this contact form (linked above) and fill in all the data (Region, Name, Website, D-U-N-S Number etc.). You can get to this form "manually" by clicking Need to edit this information? in the bottom right corner of the Membership section. I would recommend You to use this form, because Apple then won't have to contact You for any of the Organization's information after Your submission.

2 - Contact us - submit page - alternative way

Go to this contact form (linked above), select Account updates and renewals and in the Message field write something similar to this:

Id like to convert my account from Individual to Organization.
This will be our only Organization account.

Here are the information regarding the company:

CEO/Director Name: First and Last Name.
Company Name: Your Company Name, including Ltd or Inc.
Account Type: Organization.
D-U-N-S Number: your Companys DUNS number.
Address: Your Companys Legal Address.
Phone Number: Your mobile phone or another phone number where you can be reached

According to this Quora answer, transition process can take around 7 days to complete, so be patient. :)

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Aleksandar Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 03:09


To answer the first part of your question, your client needs to add you in Apple Developer, not just in iTunes Connect.

To simplify things a bit, iTunes Connect only allows you to submit apps to the App Store while Apple Developer allows you to create certificates and provisioning profiles, sign apps, and distribute development and ad-hoc builds.

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paulvs Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 03:09
