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uwp app (.net native) and unhandled exception

I created uwp app(.Net native) for Windows 10 desktop. I use HockeyApp for collect live crash reports. Stack trace not informative. This is a long-standing problem and it does not have a solution. I tried this but it not working. I get these exceptions:


 The parameter is incorrect. The parameter is incorrect.

On my computer the application works stably. Perhaps this is due to the versions of Windows. also I think that this is due to my xaml. It is very important for me to correct these mistakes. But I can not refuse the table. Any ideas how can I find the source of these errors?

like image 662
FetFrumos Avatar asked Dec 24 '22 11:12


1 Answers

Sorry, this may not be an answer but I don't have enough room in the comments box.

Try the following in your App.xaml.cs. Add a handler to these events and see if they report something back to you about crashes.

public App()
    UnhandledException += OnUnhandledException;
    TaskScheduler.UnobservedTaskException += OnUnobservedException;


private static void OnUnhandledException(object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e)
    // Occurs when an exception is not handled on the UI thread.

    // if you want to suppress and handle it manually, 
    // otherwise app shuts down.
    e.Handled = true; 

private static void OnUnobservedException(object sender, UnobservedTaskExceptionEventArgs e)
    // Occurs when an exception is not handled on a background thread.
    // ie. A task is fired and forgotten Task.Run(() => {...})

    // suppress and handle it manually.
like image 57
Laith Avatar answered Dec 26 '22 01:12
