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New posts in cruisecontrol

Set environment variable in Cruisecontrol

Configure CC.NET email notification & show error log in dashboard

"CruiseControl" Automation for C++ projects?

Code freeze in SVN - Build management

Cruisecontrol hangs when checking SVN for modifications

java svn cruisecontrol

how to Implement Cruise Control with QTP?

how to automate or facilitate multiplatform build/test before committing?

VirtualBox Ubuntu LAMP Stack development, with SVN and CruiseControl/phpUnderControl?

Is it possible to use Cruise Control with VB6?

CruiseControl - PHP lint check works via ANT but not through CruiseControl

ant cruisecontrol lint phplint

Differences between CruiseControl (original) and CruiseControl.NET

Continuous Integration for stack with Visual C++ and C#

Which Continuous Integration library to use? [closed]

Cruise Control service error: Cannot construct net.sourceforge.cruisecontrol.BuildLoopInformation as it does not have a no-args constructor


subversion/cruise control/nant/nunit with visual studio projects and solutions

svn nunit nant cruisecontrol

Which continuous integration software do you use? [closed]

Git log error in PhpUnderControl continuous integration set up

Cruise Control and PHP projects

how to configure CruiseControl for two separate builds?


What's the difference between Phing and PHPUnderControl?