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New posts in multiplatform

Why can't Perl's PAR find the loadable object for Socket.pm?

perl cpan multiplatform par

Scan through directories c++

c++ directory multiplatform

What is the best way to pass data between views?

FireMonkey: How to focus the next control on vkReturn?

C++ rand and srand gets different output on different machines

c++ random multiplatform

prefer windows or unix line ending for code?

Choice of language for portable library

Bash alias to Python script -- is it possible?

C++ API for multiplatform development

c++ api multiplatform

Logging in a multiprocess application along with multithreading

Produce an APK for multiple architectures for Qt projects

android qt apk multiplatform

Build one jar per platform for multi-platform SWT application

java ant jar swt multiplatform

Generate PDF from docbook XML when building Java project using Gradle

Is there any disadvantages to a language being platform independent?

How do I do Perl machine or platform dependent TDD?

Multiplatform Installer

Is there a Lua IDE which allows to build a standalone executable? [closed]

Multiplatform C++ Project: Inclusion of platform specific sources

c++ build cmake multiplatform

Programmatic control of python optimization?

QTouchEvent instead QMouseEvent on Linux