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New posts in line-endings

dos2unix modifies binary files - why

How to create and apply properly .patch file to a single .cpp file using diff?

git diff patch line-endings

prefer windows or unix line ending for code?

Count the number of lines in a Swift String

swift unicode line-endings

Git commit ignore line endings

git line-endings

.gitattributes default file type treatment

What line endings to use for cross-platform compatibility?

maven jgitflow release-start goal changes line endings to CRLF

How to disable ^M line endings in VSCode?

How do I stop fprintf from printing \r's to file along with \n in Windows

c windows printf line-endings

disable the automatic change from \r\n to \n in python

How to force converting worktree files after changing core.autocrlf?

git line-endings

Save XDocument with UNIX line endings

c# xml line-endings

Dealing with files that Git refuses to reset?

windows git line-endings

sourcetree line ending issue

Strange character for empty line in TextWrangler and cat -v

Git: autocrlf=true core.eol=native vs autocrlf=input

git settings line-endings

How to see what type of line endings are already in git repository?