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New posts in line-endings

Can SQL Server bcp in a file with Unix line endings?

How to check out a CVS repository in Windows with Unix line endings with Jenkins?

How to make vim :source accept different line endings?

vim line-endings

Dealing with EOL characters in Cygwin Git and Git for Windows accessing the same repository

CodeDeploy deployment fails: bad interpreter /bin/sh^M

git diff thinks the last line of the file has been moved after the end of file?

git line-endings

Handling CR line endings in Lua

file lua line-endings

How do configure sublime to always convert to unix line endings on save?

How to force consistent line endings in Git commits with cross-platform compatibility

Git with autocrlf=true checks out files with mixed line endings as-is

How to find/fix files with MIXED line endings (0x0d 0x0d 0x0a)

sed find grep line-endings

std::getline alternative when input line endings are mixed

Why is the start of a line "^" and the end of line "$"?

git line endings : renormalize does not seem to checkout the right line endings

Change Line Feeds from CRLF to LF in Eclipse

Can't get Git to correctly handle CRLF problems with Eclipse launch configs (XML files)

git line-endings

^M characters in git commit message (git commit -v)

git vim line-endings

Understanding the warning "LF will be replaced by CRLF"

git line-endings

git show modify files but i don't change anything git reset did not work

git line-endings git-status