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New posts in core.autocrlf

.gitattributes with core.autocrlf unset

How can I preserve line endings when I check out a single file to a different location with git?

Not doing git CRLF conversion for .m matlab files?

git matlab core.autocrlf

Git with autocrlf=false still produces "warning: CRLF will be replaced by LF" messages

git core.autocrlf

make sure files are converted CRLF into LF in an update hook- is there a performance hit?

git hook newline core.autocrlf

/usr/bin/env: ‘bash\r’: No such file or directory [duplicate]

Line Endings: Git merge creates duplicates without conflict

Dealing with EOL characters in Cygwin Git and Git for Windows accessing the same repository

GIT: How to get rid of the annoying CRLF message on msysgit (windows)?

Override .gitattributes text=auto in Windows

Why are there two different lines with core.autocrlf output with "git config -l"?

git core.autocrlf

How to change the behavior of git status showing modified files which are eventually not committed?

Correct setting for git autocrlf as per use case

Git with autocrlf=true checks out files with mixed line endings as-is

What should go in a default git config file?

What is the differrence between `* text=auto` and `* text eol=lf` in .gitattributes?

git add throws warning "CRLF will be replaced by LF in <file-name>"

git git-add core.autocrlf