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New posts in git-add

Why cannot add a large file to a Git repository

git git-commit git-add

How to get better hunks in git add interactive patch mode?

Add existing source code folders into Local Git Repository

git git-add

is there a command in GIT that has the options of "git add -p" and "git checkout -p" COMBINED?

git git-checkout git-add

git: store different stages of a file in the index/working tree after conflict

git conflict git-add

Delete git LFS files not in repo

linux git github git-add git-lfs

How can I do a git add --patch during an interactive rebase?

git git-rebase git-add

Are "git add file" and "git checkout -- file" symmetric?

git git-checkout git-add

Git one-liner for applying a patch interactively

When one adds an untracked file, does it not go to staged immediately?

git git-add

Changes not staged for commit even after git add

How can I make git add -p accept keystrokes without waiting for me to press Enter?

git interactive git-add

'git add .' doesn't work

git repository git-add

How to add symlinks to git repository on Windows?

git symlink git-add

Git add on modified file not working, except with -p (patch)

git git-add

Untangle two lines with `git add -p`

git git-add

Git add lines to index by grep/regex

regex git git-add

What does "Changes not staged for commit" mean