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New posts in git-patch

Reapply Git commits from copied fork repository to original repository

git add -p (interactive patch) and edit mode gives a "corrupt patch at line XX" error

git edit git-patch

Git one-liner for applying a patch interactively

How can I generate/apply git patches only for commits that alter specific files

git git-diff git-patch

how to see the file which would be committed

git git-patch git-apply

Why does git am leave modified files lying around? How can I adapt my workflow to do better?

Apply github commit / pull request as a patch

Can I make git add -p show changes like git diff --word-diff?

git git-diff git-patch

Create Git patches for two files across several renames

git pull remote master in detached head

What is the difference between git cherry-pick and git format-patch | git am?

How to create git patch from two files?

git git-commit git-patch

Apply Bitbucket pull request as a patch

git: Patch does not have a valid e-mail address

git patch git-patch

How to generate patch for all commits in a branch?

git git-branch git-patch

How to apply a git patch from one repository to another?

What does "1 line adds whitespace errors" mean when applying a patch?

git whitespace patch git-patch

How to apply a Git patch to a file with a different name and path?

How can I format patch with what I stash away

git git-stash git-patch