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How to automatically use git diff --word-diff option for *.tex files but not others?

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how can I see the differences in a designated file between a local branch and a remote branch?

Git commit patches

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Using SmartGit diff tool as external git diff

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Git show whole file changes

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git diff among two different repositories in two different folder

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GIT: Changed File Names With Certain Extension

git diff only my changes

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Strange conflict on git

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Is it possible for vscode to show git diffs condensed by hunks like SourceTree?

How can I get my git merge conflicts into a diff-like format?

Show trailing whitespace and line endings in removed lines in diff output

git git-diff

Can I abort git difftool when multiple files are being compared?

circleCI - How to run job when has change in specific directory

git diff fatal: ambiguous argument unknown revision or path not in working tree

fatal-error git-diff git

Colored, side by side, inline git diff output in my terminal

git git-diff sdiff

Automatic merging in git without conflicts (using word-by-word diff instead of line-by-line)

Make git highlight tab characters in a diff?

git git-diff

git diff --stat exclude certain files

git git-diff