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New posts in git-config

Temporarily using a different protocol with remote repository

git config settings to automatically create remote branch with same name

git git-config

Changing File Mode permissions from 100755 to 100644 on GITHUB

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How to read and parse gitconfig file with node.js?

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git merge -Xignore-space-change by default

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Github SSH works but clone using ssh fails

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gitconfig aliasing using !source doesn't work (zsh)

git alias git-config

How can I delete git user property?

git git-config

How to use "git config" command to configure sections with name?

git git-config

git config --global user.email "some@email.com" throws "error: only one config file at a time."

git git-config

Is it possible to disable a "dangerous" command line option in git?

git git-config

How can I prevent Git from using an email of the form username@pc-name instead of an empty one?

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how to understand remote "origin" fetch setting in .git/conf file?

git github git-config

What does [core] in .gitconfig do, and how to set it up?

git git-config

git auto convert file from CRLF to LF not working

git git-config

In Git is it possible to refer an alias from another alias

git alias git-config

Git colors: How do I set colors for the upstream branch in “git branch -vv”?

git colors git-config

How to configure "git pull --ff-only" and "git merge --no-ff"