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New posts in core.autocrlf

Do I really need to specify all binary files in .gitattributes

git newline core.autocrlf lf

Why do I get CRLF line breaks in source files, although I'm on a Mac+Linux-only environment with Git and IDEA?

Enforce core.autocrlf=input through .gitattributes

How do you change core.autocrlf when using SmartGit?

git smartgit core.autocrlf

How to repair CRLF in GIT repository to avoid merge conflicts

git core.autocrlf

does a git repository have its own local value for core.autocrlf that overrides the global one?

git core.autocrlf

'git apply' failed with code 1: trailing whitespace in SourceTree

Android Studio - CRLF vs LF for a Git-based multiplatform project

How to express core.autocrlf = false with .gitattributes?

Git files modified after checkout, reset --hard, etc. even though autocrlf is set to false

git newline core.autocrlf

Git core.safecrlf different behavior on files with same line endings

Is there a way to determine the line endings in a existing git repo?

git core.autocrlf

How does git-svn handle line endings?

git status shows modifications even with autocrlf=false

Git, adding files to repository gives fatal error for LF ->CRLF

Why is 'Updating the Git index failed' displayed

How to to disable Git end-of-line (CRLF to LF) across all clones/machines?

Git on Windows: What do the crlf settings mean?

How do I force git to checkout the master branch and remove carriage returns after I've normalized files using the "text" attribute?

git newline core.autocrlf

env: bash\r: No such file or directory