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How to revert a 'git filter-branch -f --env-filter'

Tortoise equivalent 'replace with latest from repository"?

eclipse svn tortoisesvn revert

How to revert multiple files (but not all) to a past commit?

git revert

How to revert files with specific extension in svn?

svn file revert

Is there a way to revert a file line by line in P4

command perforce revert

SVN revert on server side

svn commit revert

How do I revert the Subversion repository, not my working copy, to a specific revision?

tortoisesvn svn revert

revert back on git but a merge but no -m option was given

git revert

Composer revert after making changes

Revert a specific commit from a merged branch that has already been pushed

git github merge revert

Git: How to revert everything exactly to the state of a prior commit?

git revert

jQuery.draggable() - Revert on button click

how to restore last saved code in eclipse?

eclipse svn revert

How to revert/recover .m file to a previous version? (autosaved blank by mistake and xcode crashed - no Source Control, no Time Machine)

Reverting unshelved files in perforce

perforce revert

Cant git push to master after revert

git github push revert

Revert staged changes, keep unstaged changes

git commit revert git-reset

Git revert causes merge conflict

git revert

Going back to previous commit in SourceTree

Why doesn't git reset --hard change my local files back to their original state? [duplicate]

git revert