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CodeDeploy deployment fails: bad interpreter /bin/sh^M

I have a Meteor application I'm deploying on EC2 instances using CodeDeploy (local build -> S3 -> CodeDeploy -> EC2).

I'm running into an issue I didn't have a week ago: when creating a deployment, it fails at the ApplicationStop step with the message

[stderr]bash: /opt/codedeploy-agent/deployment-root/.../scripts/stop.sh: /bin/sh^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

I'm aware that this should be an issue of Windows style line endings, but it looks like it's not

~$ md5sum stop.sh
d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e stop.sh
~$ dos2unix stop.sh
~$ md5sum stop.sh
d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e stop.sh

If I open the file in an hexadecimal editor, the line ending looks like 0x0a, and not 0x0d0a (Windows style).

    00000000: 2321 2f62 696e 2f73 680a 736f 7572 6365  #!/bin/sh.source
    00000010: 202f 686f 6d65 2f65 6332 2d75 7365 722f   /home/ec2-user/

Just to be sure, I downloaded the deployment archive from S3, extracted it and checked again - the line endings are indeed as described above.

This is quite strange since I did not have the problem about a week ago, and if I try to deploy version that was successfully deployed a week ago, the same issue occurs (!!)... even if it was working at the time.

Help appreciated!

[Update] : removing the first line from my stop.sh script, /bin/sh, doesn't change anything. I guess sudo ln -s /bin/sh /bin/sh^M should work for a dirty quick fix, but I'd like a cleaner solution. :/

[Update 2] : I've identified that for some reason, CodeDeploy is using the wrong deployment archive on the instances. Screenshot If I go to /opt/codedeploy-agent/.../d-GBQV1EHSE, this is indeed an old deployment with an issue of Windows style line returns... but CodeDeploy shouldn't use this archive /opt/codedeploy-agent/.../d-XWEJW9SVE exists and contains a valid archive.


like image 414
christophetd Avatar asked Apr 07 '16 14:04


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What should be checked first when an AWS CodeDeploy deployment fails?

Check the format of your AppSpec file. For more information, see Add an application specification file to a revision for CodeDeploy and CodeDeploy AppSpec File reference. Check your Amazon S3 bucket or GitHub repository to verify your application revision is in the expected location.

How do I check my CodeDeploy agent status?

Verify the CodeDeploy agent for Ubuntu Server is running Install it as described in Install the CodeDeploy agent for Ubuntu Server. If the CodeDeploy agent is installed and running, you should see a message like The AWS CodeDeploy agent is running .

How do I update my CodeDeploy agent?

Use an Amazon S3 copy command If the AWS CLI is installed on the instance, you can use the Amazon S3 cp command to download the CodeDeploy agent updater and then run the installer manually. For information, see Install the AWS Command Line Interface on Microsoft Windows.

1 Answers

After discussing a bit with christophetd, we found that there was a problem in the configuration which pointed to another (old) stop.sh, which indeed had a Windows-style CRLF.

Updating the configuration thus solved his problem.

like image 195
Karl Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 11:10
