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New posts in line-endings

How to replace line-endings in VIM

vim replace line-endings

Python help reading csv file failing due to line-endings

PHP file_put_contents new line

php line-endings

Python codecs line ending

how C output LF to stdout without being changed to CR LF?

c windows line-endings newline

Why does .gitattributes not override core.autocrlf configuration on Linux?

git ignore line endings

git line-endings

Say Yes to Inconsistent Line Endings?

Universal newline support in Ruby that includes \r (CR) line endings

How can I change the line endings used by fputcsv?

php csv line-endings

Enforce core.autocrlf=input through .gitattributes

How to make sure all my source files stay UTF-8 with Unix line endings?

How to check whether ifstream is end of file in C++

PhpStorm + GIT line endings changing from LF to CRLF

How to avoid mixed eol-styles in a svn repository

svn line-endings newline eol

How can I configure bash to handle CRLF shell scripts?

Enforce LF line endings with CsvHelper

How can I fix the SVN import line endings error?

svn import line-endings

How to configure Compass to generate files with Unix line endings on Windows?