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New posts in carriage-return

How to include a carriage return in an argument to an executable?

Accepting \r\n input C program

C++ Carriage return and line feed in a string

What is the carriage return character in an AS/400 db?

What is the point of using *both* Carriage Returns and Line Feeds?

Carriage returns for textbox (textarea)

Carriage return issue decoding Base64 from Java and sending to browser

J turns carriage return into newline

R read.csv how to ignore carriage return?

Ubuntu 14.04 Cron outputs file names with ^M at the end

How to disable ^M line endings in VSCode?

Removing carriage return characters from a file using python

python carriage-return

Python 2.7 carriage return countdown

Excel macro to insert carriage return

vba excel carriage-return

How to print over raw_input's line in Python?

VisualForce: convert carriage returns to html line-breaks in a long text field

Create Carriage Return in PHP String?

Removing Carriage return on Mac OS X using sed