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Use a verb that expects a scalar with a vector


J : creating a family of verbs from an array


Compose matrix out of several subarrays in J

arrays j

Sorting words in a string by their length in J

string sorting j

J language: the good part (anyone plan to write a book on it?) [closed]


Mapping of elements by number of occurrences in J


How to rewrite the halve function in J?

j tacit-programming

repetitive verb applications and store results in vector


Write 4 : 'x&{.&.;: y' tacitly

what are some of J's unique features?

tacit-programming j apl

Modulo Power function in J

modulo j exponentiation

J sort function: 1/:1 returns 0

sorting j

What's the most efficient way to implement Haskell's foldl1 in J?


What exactly is #^:_1


Applying multiple functions to each line of the input


Input string in J script hangs

input stdin readline j

J turns carriage return into newline

J Primes Enumeration

j sieve

How are J/K/APL classified in terms of common paradigms?

Have J style adverbs, forks etc been emulated via libraries in mainstream functional languages?