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APL: Matrix manipulation trick?

matrix apl

How can I mask the scan operator in APL?

apl dyalog

Generate a fibonacci series with no loops or flow control in APL

fibonacci apl

The most idiomatic way of creating identity matrix in APL

matrix apl

How to split a number into its digits in APL

split numbers apl

what are some of J's unique features?

tacit-programming j apl

APL readability

In SQL, How can I generate every possible unique combination of 5!56?

In what way is the distinction between scalars and vectors useful in APL?


foldr vs foldl as reduce operator in APL


How to find the index of the first row of a matrix that satisfies two conditions in APL Language?

How does reduce/scan work in APL with user defined functions?

How would I go about counting the amount of each alphanumerical in an array? (APL)

classification counting apl

Open Source Specification of the APL Language? [closed]

specifications apl

String Length with Scalars and Vectors in APL


How do I do in F# what would be called compression in APL?

f# apl

"APL Object Notation" in Dyalog APL

apl dyalog

Assigning a niladic function


Implementation of a function object "power" operator in Raku

raku infix-notation apl