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examples to compare tradtional math notations vs APL/J notations [closed]

in APL how do I turn a vector (of length n) into a diagonal matrix (nxn)?

j apl

unwanted: APL keyboard overlay enabled?

Pass function as an argument in APL

Is there a file type for APL programs?


Understanding APL's Inner Product

APL Keymapping on Linux (GNU APL)


How to interleave two given vectors in APL

vector apl dyalog interleave

Define a pervasive function in APL


How is `{⊂⍵}` different from just `⊂`?

what's the motivation for J to introduce fork

Write {(+/3<?⍵⍴6)×100÷⍵}1000 tacitly

Bitwise operations in APL?

bit-manipulation apl

rank operator vs axis notation

apl dyalog

Vector of functions in APL

Could APL be implemented in Scala as a DSL?

scala dsl apl

Learning J/K/APL [closed]

tacit-programming apl j k

How can I generate a "Social Golfer" matrix for worker seating arrangement?

what language was cybersyn/cyberstride implemented in?

legacy mainframe apl

How is APL optimized to have great performance at array processing? What are some example tricks and optimizations it performs?