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New posts in matrix-multiplication

Why did matrix multiplication using python's numpy become so slow after upgrading ubuntu from 12.04 to 14.04?

Eigen3 replicate() for a matrix-vector cwiseProduct operation

How to do a fast multidimensional matrix vector multiplication?

Most efficient way to multiply a small matrix with a scalar in numpy

OpenGL point position after rendering (3d -> 2d)

Using matrix structure to speed up matlab

Can I produce the result of np.outer using np.dot?

How to do the following matrix multiplication more efficient in Matlab?

vectorizing matrix multiplication

Slow dot product in R

Row major vs Column Major Matrix Multiplication

product of three matrices ends up an odd block matrix?

matlab matrix operation speed

how to vectorize this python code to make it more efficient? (in speed)

Matrix multiplication: Strassen vs. Standard

Transpose matrix multiplication in cuBLAS howto

How can I express this large number of computations without for loops?

smooth scroll/inertial scrolling/momentum scroll