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New posts in cublas

Should we reuse the cublasHandle_t across different calls?

cuda cublas

Finding maximum and minimum with CUBLAS

c++ c cuda cublas

CUBLAS - matrix addition.. how?

c++ matrix cuda blas cublas

Failed to create CUBLAS handle. Tensorflow interaction with OpenCV

Transpose matrix multiplication in cuBLAS howto

Why cublas on GTX Titan is slower than single threaded CPU code?

Retaining dot product on GPGPU using CUBLAS routine

cuda gpgpu cublas dot-product

Reducing matrix rows or columns in CUDA

cuda cublas

cuBLAS argmin -- segfault if outputing to device memory?

cuda gpu gpgpu blas cublas

CUBLAS - is matrix-element exponentiation possible?

matrix cuda cublas

Doing multiple matrix-matrix multiplications in one operation

c++ c cuda blas cublas

How to transpose a matrix in CUDA/cublas?

Element-by-element vector multiplication with CUDA

cuda complex-numbers cublas

Cudafy cannot find cublas, cudafft

CUBLAS matrix multiplication

Copying array of pointers into device memory and back (CUDA)

arrays pointers cuda cublas


boost cuda blas cublas

Add scalar to vector in BLAS (cuBLAS/CUDA)

c cuda add blas cublas

Will the cublas kernel functions automatically be synchronized with the host?


Normal Cuda Vs CuBLAS?

cuda cublas