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Template function to print a Thrust vector

c templates cuda gpgpu thrust

Memory coalescing in global writes

cuda gpu gpgpu kepler

Meaning of CL_UNORM_INT8 for cl_image_format.image_channel_data_type, and its diffrence with other data types

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Advice for a C, CUDA, & ANN Newbie? [closed]

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What is the fastest library for finding FFT on a GPU? [closed]

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CUDA: Is It Possible to Use All of 48KB of On-Die Memory As Shared Memory?

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how to enable cuda only for computing purpose, not for display


What is the difference between cudaMemcpy() and cudaMemcpyPeer() for P2P-copy?

cuda gpgpu nvidia

How does a clamp function in glsl and opencl work? does it use create branches? and should I avoid using it?

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Is it possible to use OpenCL for PowerVR SGX530 GPU device?

opencl gpgpu gpu

How to properly use glDiscardFramebufferEXT

Using Open MPI and CUDA in Windows 7

windows-7 cuda mpi gpgpu openmpi

Why copying memory from VRAM to RAM is slower than RAM to VRAM? (OpenGL)

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GPGPU before CUDA and OpenCL

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Can string data types be used in C++ CUDA kernels?

cuda gpgpu

how to use gpu::Stream in OpenCV?

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About CUDA's architecture (SM, SP)

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Are GPU Kepler CC3.0 processors not only pipelined architecture, but also superscalar? [closed]

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Metal Compute pipeline not working on MacOS, but working on iOS

ios macos gpgpu metal

Options for GPU computing in Julia

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