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New posts in clamp

How does a clamp function in glsl and opencl work? does it use create branches? and should I avoid using it?

opengl glsl opencl gpgpu clamp

Problems limiting object rotation with Mathf.Clamp()

object unity3d rotation clamp

Safari 14 - min(), max(), clamp() not working with vw and px values

css safari font-size clamp

Clamp variable within range

r clamp

Line clamp in React using clamp.js causing Object error in IE11

Uint8ClampedList in Dart

list dart clamp

std::clamp - detect if function return value is binded to const T&

pow for Integral Values

Is there a 'clamp' method/sub for ranges/Num etc in Raku (i.e. Perl6)?

raku clamp

Extending Generic Integer Types in Swift

Most efficient way to clamp values in an OpenCv Mat

Does a "clamp" number function exist in PHP?

php clamp

Why is there no clamp function in math.h

c++ std clamp

How to implement a smooth clamp function in python?

Pythonic way to replace list values with upper and lower bound (clamping, clipping, thresholding)?

python arrays numpy clip clamp

Is there a method to limit/clamp a number?

ruby clamp

Clamping floating numbers in Python? [duplicate]

python math clamp

Fastest way to clamp a real (fixed/floating point) value?

Java - limit number between min and max

java range max min clamp

Does java have a clamp function?

java clamp