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What is the fastest library for finding FFT on a GPU? [closed]

Which is the fastest library to find FFT on a GPU? Please give answers for both NVIDIA and ATI cards. Also, if possible give timing figures.


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Divij Avatar asked Feb 23 '23 23:02


2 Answers

For NVidia GPUs, look at the CUFFT library. As far as I can tell, AMD has not productized FFT on ATI GPUs yet, but it might be worth looking at the ACML-GPU library. You could also try looking at OpenCL FFT libraries which should work on both GPUs.

Giving timing figures is impossible, because it varies so much depending on the actual hardware you have, your problem size, etc.

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Thomas Minor Avatar answered Apr 07 '23 18:04

Thomas Minor

The NukadaFFT library is supposed to be the highest performance FFT implementation on NVIDIA hardware. There are links to papers which document the performance of the library - in some cases throughput is claimed to 25% higher than running the same FFT using CUFFT. That comes at a price in flexibility, because the code only supports up to radix 32 transforms.

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talonmies Avatar answered Apr 07 '23 18:04
