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New posts in tacit-programming

Is it possible to write tacit functions in F#

How to rewrite the halve function in J?

j tacit-programming

Write 4 : 'x&{.&.;: y' tacitly

Point-free for filter function

what are some of J's unique features?

tacit-programming j apl

Pros / Cons of Tacit Programming in J

Tacit programming style using F#

f# tacit-programming

Creating a recursive tacit function in J

Write {(+/3<?⍵⍴6)×100÷⍵}1000 tacitly

J: Tacit adverb of Newton's method

Fiddling with point-free code?

Learning J/K/APL [closed]

tacit-programming apl j k

Tacit function composition in Haskell

Best strategies for reading J code

j tacit-programming

Tacit programming in Lisp

Have J style adverbs, forks etc been emulated via libraries in mainstream functional languages?

What does (f .) . g mean in Haskell?