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J: Tacit adverb of Newton's method

I've found in 'addons/math/misc/brent.ijs' implementation of Brent's method as an adverb. I would like to build a Newton's method as an adverb too but it's much harder than building tacit verbs.

Here is a explicit version of Newton's iteration:

   newton_i =: 1 : '] - u % u d.1'

With such usage:

   2&o. newton_i^:_ (1) NB. (-: 1p1) must be found
   2 o. 1.5708 NB. after substitution we get almost 0

And of course, for convenience:

    newton =: 1 : 'u newton_i^:_'

What's a tacit equivalent?

like image 303
Dan Oak Avatar asked Nov 01 '14 14:11

Dan Oak

2 Answers


Per the comments, a short answer; the tacit equivalent to the original, explicit newton_i and newton are, respectively:

n_i =: d.0 1 (%/@:) (]`-`) (`:6) 
newton =: n_i (^:_)

Some techniques for how such translations are obtained, in general, can be found on the J Forums.


The key insights here are that (a) that a function is identical to its own "zeroeth derivative", and that (b) we can calculate the "zeroeth" and first derivative of a function in J simultaneously, thanks to the language's array-oriented nature. The rest is mere stamp-collecting.

In an ideal world, given a function f, we'd like to produce a verb train like (] - f % f d. 1). The problem is that tacit adverbial programming in J constrains us to produce a verb which mentions the input function (f) once and only once.

So, instead, we use a sneaky trick: we calculate two derivatives of f at the same time: the "zeroth" derivative (which is an identity function) and the first derivative.

   load 'trig'
   sin              NB. Sine function (special case of the "circle functions", o.)

   sin d. 1 f.      NB. First derivative of sine, sin'.

   sin d. 0 f.      NB. "Zeroeth" derivative of sine, i.e. sine.

   sin d. 0 1 f.    NB.  Both, resulting in two outputs.
(1&o. , 2&o.)"0

   znfd =: d. 0 1   NB. Packaged up as a re-usable name.
   sin znfd f.
(1&o. , 2&o.)"0

Then we simply insert a division between them:

   dh =: znfd (%/@) NB. Quotient of first-derivative over 0th-derivattive

   sin dh
%/@(sin d.0 1)

   sin dh f.
%/@((1&o. , 2&o.)"0)

   sin dh 1p1  NB. 0

   sin 1p1     NB. sin(pi) = 0
   sin d. 1 ] 1p1  NB. sin'(pi) = -1
   sin dh 1p1  NB. sin(pi)/sin'(pi) = 0/-1 = 0

The (%/@) comes to the right of the znfd because tacit adverbial programming in J is LIFO (i.e. left-to-right, where as "normal" J is right-to-left).

Stamp collecting

As I said, the remaining code is mere stamp collecting, using the standard tools to construct a verb-train which subtracts this quotient from the original input:

   ssub  =: (]`-`) (`:6)     NB. x - f(x)

   +: ssub                   NB. x - double(x)
] - +:
   -: ssub                   NB. x - halve(x)
] - -:

   -: ssub 16                NB. 16 - halve(16)
   +: ssub 16                NB. 16 - double(16)
   *: ssub 16                NB. 16 - square(16)
   %: ssub 16                NB. 16 - sqrt(16)


    n_i =: znfd ssub         NB. x - f'(x)/f(x)

And, finally, using "apply until fixed point" feature of ^:_, we have:

    newton =: n_i (^:_)


like image 108
Dan Bron Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 16:11

Dan Bron

 newton_i =: 1 : '] - u % u d.1'

is semi-tacit, in that a tacit verb results when it is bound with a verb (the adverb disappears when bound).

 newton_i2 =: 1 : '(] - u % u d.1) y'

is full-explicit in that binding with a verb does not resolve the adverb.

 + 1 : 'u/'


 + 1 : 'u/ y'

+ (1 : 'u/ y')

There is no huge importance to making semi-tacit adverbs fully tacit, as there may be no performance gains, and it has the same benefit of being resolved within the adverbs locale rather than in callers (the case for fully explicit adverbs).

like image 41
pascalJ Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 17:11
