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New posts in function-composition

Understanding the F# Composition Operators

How to compose functions and then apply arguments in Lodash/FP

How does function composition (.) work from within?

Java 8 How Compose Functions without Lambdas?

Continuation passing style - function composition

How can I use an operator to compose functions?

Haskell Function Composition with Map Function

Error when trying to use function composition in Haskell

Using composition to get ceiling of a division

Idiomatic Haskell-like iterate in Scala?

How does composing with id change type

Understanding function composition with negate

Most idiomatic implementation of `[a -> a] -> (a -> a)`

Is it possible to have a generic logging filter in finagle that can be "inserted anywhere" in a chain of andThens?

Workarounds for lack of varargs in Erlang

Simplifying a two-parameter anonymous function in Elm

elm function-composition

TypeScript: How to write an asyncPipe function for asynchronous function composition?

Folding, function composition, monads, and laziness, oh my?

Understanding `andThen`