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New posts in function-composition

Use a function a → b as "monadic" function a → m b

Reverse Function Composition in Haskell

Scalaz monad transformers. Applying f1:A => G[B], f2:B => G[C] function to F[G[A]] object

A function composition operator in Python

Repeat a function N times in Julia (composition)

How do I pass in multiple parameters into a Ramda compose chain?

Function composition in Java

java function-composition

Function composition dynamically

map . foldr function composition - Haskell

Type of `foldMap . foldMap`

Finding haskell higher-order functions

Confusion about function composition in Haskell

Why function composition sometimes requires two "." 's to combine two functions

Partial application of functions and currying, how to make a better code instead of a lot of maps?

How to create a K combinator in the enchanted forest? (To Mock a Mockingbird)

Generic function composition in Haskell

Default andThen() method in BiFunction interface

Pointfree version doesn't compile, but the pointful one does?

Tuple and function composition