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New posts in python-decorators

How to catch an exception in a decorator

python python-decorators

Implementing a class property that preserves the docstring

Python Decorator override function argument

How can I make class properties immutable?

Decorators for Instance Methods

Python 3.5 Decorators and function fields

Difference between @property and property()

Call decorator with class variable in python

Decorated function returns None

python python-decorators

How can I decorate all functions imported from a file?

How to check if a function is decorated with a specific decorator?

Variable number of loops in function (python)

@classmethod not invoking my custom descriptor's __get__

Decorating methods: AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute '__self__'?

Python functools.partial - How to apply it to a class method with the static decorator

Where do you put a decorator after you've written it?

How can I use an operator to compose functions?

Local variable referenced before assignment in decorated method

list @property decorated methods in a python class

Logging execution time with decorators [closed]