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New posts in partial-application

Why does ($ 3) have signuature (a -> b) -> b?

Partial application of data constructor

What is a useful example of partial function application in Swift?

Haskell partial function application with $

Is there a difference between partial application and returning a function?

Syntax for partial application of curried functions with reverse-associative infix notation

Java 8 partial function application /currying

Scala partial application unclear

scala partial-application

F# Partially apply the second argument

Caching internals with a partially applied function

anyone know how to use a partially applied three argument function infix (haskell)

Explanation of partial application - join

Haskell - Currying? Need further explanation

Partial application of functions and currying, how to make a better code instead of a lot of maps?

Why can't scala infer the type of the omitted parameters in partial application?

Understanding Type Projection

Is it possible to utilise partial application in Dart (partial / apply / fixing arguments)

How to partially apply member functions in JavaScript?

Clojure Partial Application - How to get 'map' to return a collection of functions?