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New posts in infix-notation

Infix notation and with(...) does not work as I expected

kotlin infix-notation

android - kotlin infix not working on one parameter extension function

python infix forward pipe

python infix-notation

F# Common infix operators (fmap, applicative, bind, etc) for multiple types

Postfix to Infix with minimum number of parentheses

Syntax for partial application of curried functions with reverse-associative infix notation

Arithmetic Expression Evaluation using Reverse Polish Notation (RPN)

Infix to postfix for negative numbers

Any reason I couldn't create a language supporting infix, postfix, and prefix functions, and more?

Handling extra operators in Shunting-yard

Converting LaTeX expression to infix expression

Why is exporting fixity declarations a "bad idea"?

Scala DSL, Object and infix notation

Scheme: Lists of three dotted elements returning strangely (like an infix operator?)

Common lisp: is there a less painful way to input math expressions?

`flip` arguments of infix application inline

haskell infix-notation

Can we use infix generic methods in Kotlin ?

How to convert from infix to postfix/prefix using AST python module?

How to convert user-friendly infix math code to Clojure code?

Implementation of a function object "power" operator in Raku

raku infix-notation apl