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New posts in infix-notation

In R, how can I determine the operator precedence of user defined infix operators?

Scala Map, ambiguity between tuple and function argument list

Convert from an infix expression to postfix (C++) using Stacks

Syntax rules for Haskell infix datatype constructors

How do I write Swift infix functions?

swift infix-notation

Transition from infix to prefix notation

Automatic lifting of infix operators to monadic infix operators

Why does Scala evaluate the argument for a call-by-name parameter if the method is infix and right-associative?

How to give infixities to operators in lambda?

Is it possible to add a method to a built-in type in Scala?

Haskell. Why is :info (:) returns the definition twice?

Why is f <$> g <$> x equivalent to (f . g) <$> x although <$> is not right-associative?

How to define an infix (not symbolic aka not an operator) function in OCaml?

When to use parenthesis in Scala infix notation

What is easiest way to calculate an infix expression using C language?

Cannot declare an operator within a function. Clang bug or spec?

What does ':..' mean in Haskell?

Haskell infix function application precedence

"Piping" output from one function to another using Python infix syntax

How to make a right-associative infix operator?