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Transition from infix to prefix notation

I started learning Clojure recently. Generally it looks interesting, but I can't get used to some syntactic inconveniences (comparing to previous Ruby/C# experience).

Prefix notation for nested expressions. In Ruby I get used to write complex expressions with chaining/piping them left-to-right: some_object.map { some_expression }.select { another_expression }. It's really convenient as you move from input value to result step-by-step, you can focus on a single transformation and you don't need to move cursor as you type. Contrary to that when I writing nested expressions in Clojure, I write the code from inner expression to outer and I have to move cursor constantly. It slows down and distracts. I know about -> and ->> macros but I noticed that it's not an idiomatic. Did you have the same problem when you started coding in Clojure/Haskell etc? How did you solve it?

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Alexey Avatar asked Apr 24 '12 00:04


1 Answers

I felt the same about Lisps initially so I feel your pain :-)

However the good news is that you'll find that with a bit of time and regular usage you will probably start to like prefix notation. In fact with the exception of mathematical expressions I now prefer it to infix style.

Reasons to like prefix notation:

  • Consistency with functions - most languages use a mix of infix (mathematical operators) and prefix (functional call) notation . In Lisps it is all consistent which has a certain elegance if you consider mathematical operators to be functions
  • Macros - become much more sane if the function call is always in the first position.
  • Varargs - it's nice to be able to have a variable number of parameters for pretty much all of your operators. (+ 1 2 3 4 5) is nicer IMHO than 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5

A trick then is to use -> and ->> librerally when it makes logical sense to structure your code this way. This is typically useful when dealing with subsequent operations on objects or collections, e.g.

  "Hello World" 
  (take 3))

==> (\space \H \W)

The final trick I found very useful when working in prefix style is to make good use of indentation when building more complex expressions. If you indent properly, then you'll find that prefix notation is actually quite clear to read:

(defn add-foobars [x y]
    (bar x y)
    (foo y)
    (foo x)))
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mikera Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 13:09
