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Double Buffering for Game objects, what's a nice clean generic C++ way?

This is in C++.

So, I'm starting from scratch writing a game engine for fun and learning from the ground up. One of the ideas I want to implement is to have game object state (a struct) be double-buffered. For instance, I can have subsystems updating the new game object data while a render thread is rendering from the old data by guaranteeing there is a consistent state stored within the game object (the data from last time). After rendering of old and updating of new is finished, I can swap buffers and do it again.

Question is, what's a good forward-looking and generic OOP way to expose this to my classes while trying to hide implementation details as much as possible? Would like to know your thoughts and considerations.

I was thinking operator overloading could be used, but how do I overload assign for a templated class's member within my buffer class?

for instance, I think this is an example of what I want:

doublebuffer<Vector3> data;
data.x=5; //would write to the member x within the new buffer
int a=data.x; //would read from the old buffer's x member
data.x+=1; //I guess this shouldn't be allowed

If this is possible, I could choose to enable or disable double-buffering structs without changing much code.

This is what I was considering:

template <class T>
class doublebuffer{
    T T1;
    T T2;
    T * current=T1;
    T * old=T2;
    void swap();

and a game object would be like this:

struct MyObjectData{
    int x;
    float afloat;

class MyObject: public Node {
    doublebuffer<MyObjectData> data;


What I have right now is functions that return pointers to the old and new buffer, and I guess any classes that use them have to be aware of this. Is there a better way?

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gtrak Avatar asked Jan 05 '10 20:01


People also ask

What is double buffering in games?

In computer graphics, double buffering is a technique for drawing graphics that shows no (or less) stutter, tearing, and other artifacts. It is difficult for a program to draw a display so that pixels do not change more than once.

What is double buffering in C?

The double buffer is a memory area which is not directly mapped to the screen. When we want to make some change to the scene, we first modify this area, and then copy the whole area to the window. This way, a screen refresh may not take place while we are modifying the area.

Is double buffering better?

In graphics, for example, double buffering can display one image or frame while another frame is buffered to be displayed next. This method produces more realistic animations and games than the single buffer mode.

What is double buffering where it is used and why?

Double buffering is a term used to describe a device with two buffers. The usage of multiple buffers increases the overall throughput of a device and helps prevents bottlenecks. For example, with graphics, double buffering can show one image or frame while a separate frame is being buffered to be shown next.

2 Answers

I recently dealt with a similar desire in a generalized way by "snapshotting" a data structure that used Copy-On-Write under the hood. An aspect I like of this strategy is that you can make many snapshots if you need them, or just have one at a time to get your "double buffer".

Without sweating too many implementation details, here's some pseudocode:

snapshottable<Vector3> data;
data.writable().x = 5; // write to the member x

// take read-only snapshot
const snapshottable<Vector3>::snapshot snap (data.createSnapshot());

// since no writes have happened yet, snap and data point to the same object

int a = snap.x; //would read from the old buffer's x member, e.g. 5

data.writable().x += 1; //this non-const access triggers a copy

// data & snap are now pointing to different objects in memory
// data.readable().x == 6, while snap.x == 5

In your case, you'd snapshot your state and pass it to render. Then you'd allow your update to operate on the original object. Reading it with const access through readable() would not trigger a copy... while accessing with writable() would trigger a copy.

I used some tricks on top of Qt's QSharedDataPointer to do this. They differentiate const and non-const access via (->), such that reads from a const object won't trigger the copy on write mechanics.

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HostileFork says dont trust SE Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 08:10

HostileFork says dont trust SE

I wouldn't do anything 'clever' with operator overloading if I were you. Use it for completely unsurprising stuff which is as close as possible to what the native operator would do, and nothing else.

Not really clear that your scheme particularly helps with multiple writing threads anyway - how do you know which one 'wins' when several threads read old state and write to the same new state, overwriting any earlier writes?

But if it is a useful technique in your app, then I'd have 'GetOldState' and 'GetNewState' methods which make it completely clear what's going on.

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Will Dean Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 10:10

Will Dean