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New posts in partial-application

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Partial application in Haskell with multiple arguments

Haskell "Non type-variable argument in the constraint"

Passing parameterized function handle in Python

Partial function application with generics

Partial application versus pattern matching: why do these Haskell functions behave differently?

Partial function application with the original docstring in Python?

What are the performance characteristics between curried, partially applied, and 'normal' functions in Scala?

Is it me, or does John Resig's popular blog post on partial application not work?

Create data constructor for partially applied type in Haskell

What are the rules to govern underscore to define anonymous function?

When is a scala partial function not a partial function?

How is a partial application represented at runtime?

Static method signature type arguments and partial application

Getting partial constructors for case classes "for free"

What is a list of curried programming languages?

Why scala can't infer the type in a partial method?

Function application in Haskell

How do I partially apply an infix function like Basics.+?

elm partial-application

Concise syntax for partial in Clojure