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New posts in type-constructor

F# assign (custom) type to a function

Julia: Making empty/initialized multidimensional arrays of self defined types

How to use a type alias to define a type constructor

Why Rust can't coerce mutable reference to immutable reference in a type constructor?

Is it possible to provide a custom pattern decomposition in Haskell?

Understanding Type Projection

What is a "kind" in the context of Type Systems?

Type Deconstruction

Underscores in type bounds on type constructors

Functor Instance for Type Constructor with Two Parameters in Scala

Why does foo[F[_], A](ff: F[A]) accept foo(1)?

scala type-constructor

Scala recursive type and type constructor implementation

Type Constructor as Return Type

What does '((->) a)' mean?

How does the Haskell compiler "know" that IO cannot be unwrapped?

Mere presence of implicit conversion makes the program compile despite never being applied

What is the difference between Either a and Either Int? What is Either a ? A polymorphic type constructor? What is its purpose?

Why is there a value constructor in addition to the type constructor in Haskell?

haskell type-constructor

How does one statisfy a class constraint in an instance of a class that requires a type constructor rather than a concrete type?

haskell type-constructor

Is there a way to "remove" the parts of a functor that do not store its argument?