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Java 8 partial function application /currying

 public static <T, U, R> Function<U, R> partial(BiFunction<T, U, R> f, T x) {
        return (y) -> f.apply(x, y);

In the expression above, I can understand that function partial returns another function, Function<U, R>. That Function<U, R> itself returns a value of R. What does the rest static <T, U, R> stand for? I mean if Function<U, R> returns an R what is the deal with <T, U, R> ?

like image 639
microwth Avatar asked Apr 11 '16 09:04


People also ask

What is the difference between partial application and currying?

Currying: A function returning another function that might return another function, but every returned function must take only one parameter at a time. Partial application: A function returning another function that might return another function, but each returned function can take several parameters.

Does Java support partial function applications?

Java still has a long way to go, but they made functional programming in Java easier. For example, we can now do simple partial application. This Java version is more limited than the Clojure one. It can only take a two argument function, whereas Clojure's supports arbitrarily many arguments.

How does partial application function work?

Partial Application: The process of applying a function to some of its arguments. The partially applied function gets returned for later use. In other words, a function that takes a function with multiple parameters and returns a function with fewer parameters.

What is the difference between a partial function and partial application?

Partial application results in a function of smaller arity; in the example above, f has an arity of 3 while partial only has an arity of 2. More importantly, a partially applied function would return the result right away upon being invoke, not another function down the currying chain.

1 Answers

(I know it's not technically correct in Java terminology, but I'm going to say "argument" below where I mean "formal parameter" because mixing "formal parameter" and "type parameter" everywhere is confusing.)

T is the type parameter for the x argument.

partial accepts two arguments:

  • f, a function that accepts a T and a U and returns an R:
    BiFunction<T, U, R> f

  • x, which is of type T:
    T x

partial returns a new function that only accepts a U (not a T and a U) and returns R. Instead of expecting a T argument, the new function uses the x provided to partial when calling f.

In short: It returns a new function in which the first argument (of type T) has been partially-applied (curried) via partial's x argument.

The reason we have <T, U, R> near the beginning of the declaration is that that's how Java syntax lets us specify that partial is a generic method, using type parameters T, U, and R (otherwise, they look like type names, not type parameters).

like image 50
T.J. Crowder Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 11:11

T.J. Crowder