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New posts in legacy

Are there any valid circumstances where foo=foo makes sense?

c# refactoring legacy

Finding a legacy firebird/Interbase database password

Java conditional compilation to support 1.4/1.6 simultaneously

java ant legacy jdk1.4

Ensuring inserts after a call to a custom NHibernate IIdentifierGenerator

Check if DateTime is in the future with old version of JodaTime

java jodatime legacy

Can any currently supported Microsoft language create an Active X EXE?

vb.net vb6 legacy activex-exe

What open source tools could help me understand a large legacy application written in C?

code-analysis legacy

Legacy standard C library headers and overloaded C++ functions

c++ legacy standard-library

When to use `form:` in Typed Racket?

What is String.LegacyMode property for exactly?

c# .net string legacy

Change state of React component from old external Javascript?

Would you use NHibernate for a project with a legacy database, which is partly out of your control?

nhibernate orm legacy ibatis

Get back default properties after applying a global CSS reset

How do you map a DateTime property to 2 varchar columns in the database with NHibernate (Fluent)?

Read/Write xBASE (DBASE 3-5 /DBF) files [closed]

java database legacy dbf

Should we unit test console outputs?

java junit tdd legacy cobertura

How do you continue to develope large (long term) software systems with legacy and new code? [closed]


Testing Legacy PHP Spaghetti Code?

How to go about a large refactoring project? [closed]

Grunt URL rewrite in Angular application on page reload