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New posts in fgets

How to clear input buffer after fgets overflow?

c overflow fgets

Book mistake? (Head first C)

c fgets

C scanf() and fgets() problem

c scanf fgets

Accepting \r\n input C program

How to prevent the user from entering more data than the maximum limit?

c stdin flush fgets

Little trouble with fgets and error handling

c fgets

leak in fgets when assigning to buffer

c memory-leaks fgets

Sensible line buffer size in C?

c file-io buffer fgets

In PHP when using fgets() to read from file how to exclude "brake row"

php fgets

C how to read in a single bit from a file

fgets skip the blank line

c fgets

Usage of fgets function in C

c shell unix fgets strlen

PHP script gets progressively slower (file reader)

php fopen fgets slowdown

fsockopen connection does not close until timeout

php fgets fsockopen

PHP: trying to get fgets() to trigger both on CRLF, CR and LF

php newline fgets proc-open

fgets loops many times before exiting for EOF

c while-loop fgets

fgets returning error for FILE returned by popen

c popen fgets

C fgets() how to tell if line is greater than specified size

c line fgets

What makes fgets() actually wait for user input if pointed to stdin?

c stdin fgets

Does fgets() always terminate the char buffer with \0?

c fgets