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New posts in scanf

Doesn't %[] or %[^] specifier in scanf(),sscanf() or fscanf() store the input in null-terminated character array?

Can i use pointer in scanf to take input in an array?

c arrays pointers scanf

abnormal behavior of scanf [duplicate]

c scanf

scanf vs cin: string as integer processing

c++ scanf cin visual-c++-2010

C++ --- error C2664: 'int scanf(const char *,...)' : cannot convert argument 1 from 'int' to 'const char *'

c++ scanf

Detecting mismatches against constants in scanf format string

c io scanf

sscanf(s, "%u", &v) matching signed integers

what is the difference between scansets in scanf() function?

c scanf

Why is it possible to pass a double pointer (address of address) to scanf?

c scanf

How to prevent users from inputting letters or numbers?

c scanf

C scanf() and fgets() problem

c scanf fgets

Why does a space in my scanf statement make a difference? [duplicate]

c scanf

How to read special characters (punctuation marks, hypens, colons) using scanf function?

sscanf c++ splitting string to ints sometimes doesn't work

c++ string split int scanf

fscanf() reading string with spaces in formatted lines

c scanf

Using sscanf to read strings

c input scanf

compare strings using sscanf, but ignore whitespaces

c scanf

Is it possible for fscanf to return zero and consume input at the same time?

c scanf

What happens if I use "&" with string in scanf function?

c string scanf

How does scanf() really work?

c scanf stdio