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New posts in cin

How does cin.clear() clear the input buffer?

c++ io cin

Array auto-filling itself in C++

scanf vs cin: string as integer processing

c++ scanf cin visual-c++-2010

prevent from printing extra whitespace at the end of my line C++

c++ whitespace cout cin

Read a very long console input in C++

c++ io iostream cin getline

Directly capturing cin without a variable - C++ [closed]

c++ cin

cin overwriting my initialized value when it reads wrong type? [duplicate]

c++ c++11 language-lawyer cin

Is size of an array flexible in C++?

c++ arrays c++11 c++17 cin

C++ Wrap cin and cout in class - Overload << and >> operators

How do I clear user input (cin) that occurred while the process was blocked?

c++ input cin

Can std::cin fail to pass a user input in the command line to a variable with a type of char?

Send input on std::cin

c++ multithreading cin

How to I read in a line and delimit it with '!!" in C++?

c++ string delimiter getline cin

std::cin:: and why a newline remains

c++ newline cin

input stream in C++. A little confusion with cin unget() function

c++ cin

Avoiding infinite loop when a char is enter in place of int

c++ infinite-loop cin

Why does std::cin.getline not have an oveloaded method to take std::string?

c++ getline cin

cin for an int inputing a char causes Loop that is supposed to check input to go wild

c++ char int buffer cin

Why does this work? Using cin to read to a char array smaller than given input

c++ arrays char cin

How to deactivate input statement after some time?

c++ c input cin