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New posts in getline

getline skipping first input character c++ [closed]

c++ loops getline

How can I use getline without blocking for input?

c++ nonblocking getline

Conflicting types error in C after using prototype

c xcode getline

C getline memory leak different behaviours

C++ getline or cin not accepting a string with spaces, I've searched Google and I'm still stumped!

c++ input string getline

C++ - Does getline have a maximum string or character capacity?

c++ getline

How to peek at the remaining stringstream characters after using getline?

c++ getline stringstream

Read a very long console input in C++

c++ io iostream cin getline

getline() doesn't read accented characters correctly

POSIX getline() - line buffer state on EOF?

c posix getline

C++ - Read in file lines separated by a comma

c++ csv ifstream getline

Strange sigaction() and getline() interaction

No `while (!my_ifstream.eof()) { getline(my_ifstream, line) }` in C++?

c++ ifstream getline

c++ stop asking for input on ctrl-d

c++ input getline

C++ std::getline error

c++ getline

Scratchbox2 returns "Implicit declaration of function getline", among other weird behaviour

How to implement custom versions of the getline function in stdio.h (CLANG, OS X) (ANSWER: Change POSIX standard used to compile) [closed]

c clang posix getline stdio

How to read Cyrillic Unicode file in C++?

Reading a mix of integers and characters from a file in C++

c++ file getline token

Issue with C++ and cin.getline

c++ struct getline