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New posts in non-ascii-characters

Encode extended ASCII characters in a Code 128 barcode

Non ASCII character error python

How to compress Non-ASCII characters to 1 byte in C for Linux?

python: writing ★ in a file

Removing non-ascii characters from any given stringtype in Python

getline() doesn't read accented characters correctly

From a Java program, portable way to write strings with accents

PHP-REGEX: accented letters matches non-accented ones, and vice versa. How to achieve this?

In which encoding is 0xDB a currency symbol?

Python: ascii codec can't encode en-dash

How to remove file with special characters? [duplicate]

Can std::cin fail to pass a user input in the command line to a variable with a type of char?

How can I identify different encodings against files without the use of a BOM and beginning with non-ASCII character?

Using iTerm2, how do I enter characters with accent marks?

JavaScript - match non-ascii symbols using regex

How to remove accent from string in WP7

What's the character code for exclamation mark in circle?

How to replace accented characters?