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New posts in text-extraction

Extract folder name and filename from FilePath using scala

HTML downloading and text extraction

Is OCR no longer an issue?

Access Adobe InDesign files

Why is it so hard to convert PDF to plain text?

pdf text-extraction

Scraping largest block of text from HTML document

iText - Get Font size and family of a text segment

How to get the number of results found for a keyword in google

imacros extraction from a range of data

Can std::cin fail to pass a user input in the command line to a variable with a type of char?

select HTML text element with regex?

extract characters in sequence matlab

Keyword/keyphrase extraction from text [closed]

What does the key values of the dictionary output of the following code in tesseract signify?

iText: Extracted text from pdf file using LocationTextExtractionStrategy is in wrong order

pdf itext text-extraction

How to extract text from table in image?

Extracting data from an email message (or several thousand emails) [Exchange based]

How to extract Heading tags in PHP from a string?

How do I grab last number in a string in PHP?