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Separating text inside a <pre> tag

Quickest way to get list of <title> values from all pages on localhost website

How to capture a part of a screen using Ruby on Windows?

ruby winapi screen-scraping

Can a cURL based HTTP request imitate a browser based request completely?

Scraping ASP.NET site with Ruby

Grab item prices from newegg

How would I extract the value of this HTML element attribute with Beautiful Soup?

Arranging coordinates into clockwise order

Web Scraping Videos

Perl: HTML Scraping from an Authenticated website


How to find element value using Splinter?

What is the best way to screen scrape poorly formed XHTML pages for a java app

Dynamically add to allowed_domains in a Scrapy spider

Variables response from file_get_contents for 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Upcoming_singles'

scrapy log handler

Trying to get authentication cookie(s) using HttpWebRequest

Storing a list of objects as csv in python

How can I scrape data from the Israeli Bureau of Statistics web query tool?

Screen Scraping a Javascript based webpage in Python

Python Requests Module Not Getting Latest Data from Web Server