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New posts in feature-extraction

How to save OpenCV Keypoint features to database?

Extract folder name and filename from FilePath using scala

How can I one hot encode a subset of columns?

Sound feature attributeError: 'rmse'

How the selection happens in 'InfoGainAttributeEval' in weka feature selection (filter method)

OpenCV 3.0.0 SurfFeatureDetector and SurfDescriptorExtractor Errors

What is the difference between feature engineering and feature extraction? [closed]

need normalization before SelectKBest in python

python feature-extraction

Transfomers for mixed data types

scikitlearn - how to model a single features composed of multiple independant values

OpenCV - Detect hand-drawing shapes

Feature detector and descriptor for low resolution images

Feature Extraction Methods for Hand gesture/posture recognition

ValueError: Shape must be rank 1 but is rank 0 for 'ROIAlign/Crop' (op: 'CropAndResize') with input shapes: [2,360,475,3], [1,4], [], [2]

Selecting a Specific Number of Features via Sklearn's RFECV (Recursive Feature Elimination with Cross-validation)

Bag of Words (BOW) vs N-gram (sklearn CountVectorizer) - text documents classification

HOG Feature Implementation with SVM in MATLAB

Feature matching with flann in opencv

How to handle text classification problems when multiple features are involved