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New posts in feature-extraction

How to extract feature vector from single image in Pytorch?

Feature extraction from a single word

metrics for feature detection/extraction methods

feature Union of hetereogenous features

Why does the local_binary_pattern function in scikit-image provide same value for different patterns?

Determinig the number of hidden states in a Hidden Markov Model

PYTHON: How to pass tokenizer with keyword arguments to scikit's CountVectorizer?

feature selection and cross validation

Matlab code for Local binary pattern

How to handle unseen categorical values in test data set using python?

BRISK and FREAK descriptors in MATLAB

Feature space reduction for tag prediction

Any workaround to find optimal threshold for filtering raw features based on correlation matrix in R?

ITK - Calculate texture features for segmented 3D brain MRI

Can i find PCA of a single image? - MATLAB

How to save resulted face landmark image in dlib?

comparing HOG feature vectors without SVM

What's a simple and efficient method for extracting line segments from a simple 2D image?

ValueError: After pruning, no terms remain. Try a lower min_df or a higher max_df