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Is there a way to improve performance of nltk.sentiment.vader Sentiment analyser?

Filter dataframe based on input vector containing column names

r dplyr data-manipulation

How to import Excel table in R in order to get binary variables?

Mimic incremental calculation from excel in R

How to apply same operation to multiple data frames in dplyr-R?

R: Error while recoding variables using car::recode function

R - Appending multiple level 2 elements to each level 1 element of a list by name

r list data-manipulation purrr

Break Apart a String into Separate Columns R

Subsetting data.table with a condition

How to get next number in sequence in R

r math data-manipulation

Diagonals to rows in data.frame

r dplyr data-manipulation

How to filter a Pandas dataframe by timestamp functon using .query()

Using R to insert a value for missing data with a value from another data frame

Extract data elements found in a single column

r data-manipulation

Going from a list of elements to chemical formula

Given an R dataframe with column A, how do I create two new columns containing all ordered combinations of A

base::ifelse() within dplyr::arrange() for conditional arrangement of grouped rows

r dplyr data-manipulation

Comp. Efficent way of resetting sequence if condition met ( R )

r data-manipulation

Faster equivalent to group_by %>% expand in R

Loop Over Multiple Environment Objects R